They have mostly stayed out of the spotlight since their father's tragic death in 2009.
But when Michael Jackson's children stepped out yesterday to visit a Beverly Hills toy store, many may not have even recognised them.
The two children appear to have had a massive growth spurt in the two and a half years since their father's death.
Blanket, who now nine years old, in particular is looking more and more like his father everyday.
Blanket, otherwise known as Prince Michael II, appeared a far-cry from the little boy the world saw on stage at Michael's memorial.
Yesterday, as he walked side-by-side along the street with his sister, he was almost a foot taller and had more distinct features reminiscent of his late father.
Paris too has also grown to significant proportions, clearly inheriting the height gene from her father, who was a statuesque 5'11.
The 12-year-old was almost the same height as LaToya Jackson, Michael's sister, who accompanied the children to the store.
She also displayed more distinct features of her mother Debbie Rowe, with her angular jaw and bright blue eyes.
Both children wore Michael Jackson t-shirt's in memory of their beloved father.
They appeared in good spirits alongside their aunt LaToya.
The 54-year-old was relatively dressed down in a pair of black trousers, a bejewelled Ferrari shirt and glittery over the knee stiletto boots.
They were also joined by a body guard who kept a close eye on the trio as they perused the aisles and picked out some toys.

Note: For another news update on MJ's kids, please see April 1, 2011 posting "Michael Jackson's Kids Support Japan" at http://roxychel-allaboutmj.blogspot.com/2011/04/michael-jacksons-kids-support-japan.html
With thanks to my dear friend Laura for sharing the link of this news article at her facebook page "Michael Jackson: what About The Man"; http://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Jackson-What-About-The-Man/207546759255622